The Community-
Run Chain
Gnosis Chain is one of the first Ethereum sidechains and has stayed true to its values.
By allowing contributors around the globe to easily run a node, Gnosis Chain is secured by over 200k validators. Its diverse validator set and the community governance ensure Gnosis Chain remains credibly neutral at a much lower price point than mainnet.

Gnosis Chain
From user-friendly wallets to low gas fees, and trust minimized bridges to mainnet, users always come first on Gnosis Chain.

Choose Your Wallet
Find the wallet that fits your needs based on the features you want with Gnosis Wallets. Or, simply add Gnosis to MetaMask!

Gas on Gnosis is Paid for in xDai
Buy xDai or use our faucet to get started today.

Bridge Funds to Gnosis
Bridge funds between Gnosis and other chains in one click using or take a deep dive into the technology keeping our bridges secure.

Explore the Gnosis Ecosystem
Where builders and hackers have been pushing the envelope since 2018.
Where to Use GNO
Explore all the ways to use GNO on Gnosis Chain and Ethereum.

Community Powered, Developer Focused
Gnosis Chain is EVM-based and secured by at-home stakers around the world. Gnosis has all the tooling you are used to and trustless bridges to mainnet soon.

Resilience and Credible Neutrality Are Gnosis Core Values.
Secured by a geographically diverse set of validators, Gnosis Chain is a community-owned, anti-fragile network. Gnosis has a strong culture of homestakers running nodes from their homes, that are not reliant on cloud providers or datacenters.
Self-Governance, Together
As a DAO, anyone can participate in decision making about the development of Gnosis. We are a vibrant community founded on the values of early Ethereum. GNO is the staking token of Gnosis and the governance token for the GnosisDAO. Use your voice to take a stand on issues, weigh in on proposals, and shape the future of Gnosis.