We are fast approaching Ethereum’s Shanghai + Capella upgrade (informally known as Shapella). Shanghai is the name given to the execution layer (EL) upgrade and Capella is the name of the coinciding consensus layer (CL) upgrade, thus the merging of the two names. Gnosis Chain is capable of implementing this important upgrade due to its Beacon Chain architecture, making it fully compatible with Ethereum. The most important feature of the upgrade enables GNO staking withdrawals for Gnosis Chain, which is currently not possible.
How will withdrawals work on Gnosis?
Withdrawals are handled by a smart contract on Gnosis, specifically implemented for execution layer clients. The contract is the same deposit contract that validators use to stake their GNO. The withdrawal pays out in GNO by unwrapping mGNO.
What do Validators need to do?
Both Execution and Consensus clients Nethermind/Erigon and Lighthouse/Teku/Lodestar/Nimbus have yet to push the upgrade. The Gnosis Chain team will share all up-to-date info across our channels to make sure that validators are equipped to upgrade their clients!
Actions from validators for withdrawals:
For any type of withdrawals:
0x01 withdrawal credentials are required (see image below)
No action is required if you used --eth1_withdrawal_address to create your keys!
If not, tooling will be made available.
To cash out completely:
Initiate voluntary exit:
This depends on your consensus layer client.
Tooling for 0x00 to 0x01 address conversions (available soon):
In the coming weeks we will publish a series of tutorials and videos to prepare validators for the Shapella upgrade. Stay tuned for more! Let’s jump into this weeks updates!

Updates 🦉
Balancer x GnosisDAO Community Call
Balancer joined the GnosisDAO Community Call this week to discuss the upcoming launch of boosted pools on Gnosis Chain (March 13th, 2023). Check out the recording to learn more 👇👇👇

EURe Curve Pools on Gnosis Chain 😎
Karpatkey dishes out the alpha about EUR:USD Curve pools on Gnosis Chain 🚀🚀🚀

Gnosis Chain Core Devs Call 🦉

The Ethereumverse 🐼🦉🐼🦉
Gnosis co-founder and GnosisDAO core contributor, Martin Koeppelman, delivered a talk at ETHDenver titled, ‘The Limits of L2s’ where he introduced the concept of the Ethereumverse. Check out the full talk below: ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Stefan George, Gnosis co-found and GnosisDAO core contributor, also weighed in on the topic ⬇️

Trust Minized zk-proof-of-consensus Bridges x Gnosis Chain
A key piece of the Ethereumverse are zkBridges ~ Succinct Labs has been developing the underlying infrastructure and they’re ready to go… Apply to take part in their trusted setup ceremony to mark the occasion 🎉🎉🎉

GnosisDAO x Hashi #️#️#️
Auryn MacMillan, Gnosis Guild lead and GnosisDAO contributor, announced Hashi this week. Hashi is a multisig for bridges. It is a very simple, easily auditable smart contract, with a relatively small attack surface, for aggregating and distributing trust between any number of disparate header oracle mechanisms. To learn how Hashi adds additional security to bridges, check out Auryn’s tweet below.

LayerZero x Gnosis Chain 🔥
LayerZero, an omnichain interoperability protocol, is live on Gnosis Chain!

Gnosis Chain x Monerium at ETHPorto 💸
Gnosis Chain is teaming up with Monerium for a special breakfast event at ETHPorto. More details below!

DappCon is BACK! 🦉🦉🦉
DappCon is a global developer conference for Ethereum dapps and infrastructure organized by the GnosisDAO. Join us September 11th-13th, 2023 in Berlin!

Solo Stakers Corner ✨

🙏 Thank you
Come say hello in the Gnosis Chain Discord. Join us for the next GnosisDAO Community Call on April 13th at 4PM UTC / 5PM CET on the GnosisDAO Twitter Spaces.
See you on-chain,
Gnosis Chain Team